Artist Profile – Halo

Our city is full of talent and we must highlight it, one of the best series on this blog is the artist profile! Today we cover an up and coming singer-songwriter called Halo, here is her story:

Bytown Blog: What got you into music? Any inspirations?

Halo: I slept with it since birth, haha just kidding. Music has always been there for every emotion I’ve been through. Mad inspirations, I listen to almost everything but country. Amy Winehouse, Etta James, The Weeknd, Drake, Frank Ocean to name a few…I could go on and on. I noticed I listen to way more dudes. I think that needs to change through. I want more women creating, we’re slowly coming up with fire.

One of Halo’s inspirations…Frank Ocean

How do you describe yourself as an artist?

I’m crazy. Don’t know how else to put it, but I am all over the place. I don’t think I have a sound or genre yet, but I love R&B and chill soul/vibe music. Probably because I am not 100% working on music at all times. I have mostly been writing like crazy these days.

Your favorite and least favorite track/mixtape

I can’t just name one but since I have to, I am currently listening to Frank Ocean “Pyramids”. It’s extremely sentimental.

My least favorite is hard to pick as well, I’m going to be honest and say I only like the old Weeknd. The beginning days when no one knew him. He had dark, drug induced type of music which made me fall in love with him. But after his first 4 projects I think he is trash, sorry to say.

Still love him though.

Any heat coming soon

I have 5 notebooks from the past few years and a full hard drive of work but like I said, I’m not really working on music as much anymore. I’m just trying to figure out who I am, which in turn will make my music production better.

You can find Halo on soundcloud by clicking here 🙂

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